My Auntie Aggie

Created by Charlene ryel 9 years ago
MY AUNTIE AGGIE Although Auntie Aggie was a good friend of my mum's she was simply my auntie Aggie and grandma Aggie to my children. I loved her a lot and she was a mother to me. A wonderful person, a gentle soul who hardly bore grudges, was selfless and genuinely celebrated people. She tried not to see evil in anyone or situation and gave everyone the benefit of the doubt. Sometimes that would make me argue with her but she always stuck to what she felt - stubborn in her own way. We became extremely close when she moved to London. With each visit we grew closer. I would do her hair and any other jobs she'd left for me to do and sometimes would grumble while she ignored me totally. She would feed me fat always. Before I arrived she would ask for little things like gari, pepper, local mints etc then proceed to make little parcels for her friends because she just had to share...what a woman. At the end of my holiday, she would load me with gifts for almost everyone in Ghana and add to my excess weight. I loved her like my own mum and she was so dear to me. I felt so comfortable with her. She shared my joys and supported me through challenges. Each time I had to return to Ghana, I would be sad thinking about her - would she be comfortable and warm enough, eat well, stop roaming a bit and rest etc but she was so strong and kept going, which is why it so sad that she is gone. I won't receive her text messages or hear her voice again. So so sad!! I am glad I had a relationship with her, I still remember our chats, the times we laughed and cried together. We talked about everything, and every moment I spent with her will remain treasured memories. I guess God has indeed given her a break to rest in His kingdom. She deserves that, and although it came too soon who am I to question the God she so loved and worshipped? My 'walka walka' (always on the go) auntie Aggie must indeed be walking all over God's heaven!! We miss you already!! Charlene, Accra, Ghana